marți, 19 ianuarie 2010


... Every picture tells a story ... real talk...
I miss those moments when I was constantly in hand with a camera to take pictures ... or how good I felt when somebody takes pictures
... Live and relive moments carefully immortalized by the magic object ... I stood and looked over some pictures, many feel awake ... happiness, sadness, nostalgia, pain, love and hate...
... I miss some moments and feel like I want to relive it, I could turn back time and again and again to enjoy them ... I am glad tenfold or even hundredfold by the moments that take to miss .. .
... The memories are lost with loved ones, or more specifically those with family...
Those are memories that you play at home the feeling of love and you look at them...
... Pictures that have a real sentimental value for me are those with a special person who was part of my life until the age of 14 years...
I miss that person that left me suddenly and left me to my head...
But still remain pictures and I enjoy them every time I have the chance...and never forget to thank for the learned and love offered long...
I wish I have not done so and was able to be continued...

iar chestia asta de sus cică e eseul meu la engleza :-??
prostii,debitate de o ființă cu capul în colțuri și mintea sucita...

și azi mi s-a dat cu "Jet 37" mai toata ziua...
ain't life great...

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